Client-side Demo Player

Jaroslav Kuchar and Tomas Kliegr

Before opening the demo Player optionally activate your camera by opening the tracking simulator in a separate browser tab. Clicking on one of these links enables the sensor input:

Note: The webpage with camera needs to be open alongside the demo player for tracking to work (but does not need to be active/visible).

Turn On Camera to Enable Implicit Sensor Input

Clicking on the link above opens a new tab, which uses camera attached to your computer to provide implicit feedback (user looking/not looking on the screen) to the demo player. The stream from camera is aggregated and used to compute user's interest in each shot, alongside explicit feedback (e.g. user clicking the volume up button). Status information from the camera is displayed in popup messages in the bottom right corner of the player as Viewer looking (0=not looking , 1=looking).

Privacy notice: no video data from camera is intentionally sent to or stored on our server. However, we give no guarantees concerning privacy - someone could have hijacked the script, etc. This also illustrates the perils of this technology...


LinkedTV 1) LinkedTV | Television Linked to the Web

CTU 2) Faculty of Information Technology| Czech Technical University in Prague

UEP 3) University of Economics, Prague